Standard Follow-up formula from 6 months to one year
BIOMIL® 2 is a follow-up formula that covers all the nutritional needs of infants from 6 months up to the age of 12 months in combination with a diversified diet that has been progressively introduced in accordance with medical advice.BIOMIL® 2 main characteristics:
- Amino acid profile close to the one of breast milk thanks to an optimal ratio whey/casein proteins (60% / 40%)
- Optimal fatty acid profile thanks to the use in production of a specific blend of vegetable oils
- Optimal level and ratio of essential fatty acids (ω3 & ω6) for proper infant development and AA and DHA synthesis
- Enriched with the 4 conditionally essential nutrients (Choline, Taurine, Inositol & L-Carnitine)
- Enriched with 12 minerals & 13 vitamins in compliance with daily recommended intakes
BIOMIL® 2 complies with the latest regulations in force (EU directive 141/2006, EU regulation 609/2013 & Codex Alimentarius 2011).
Important notice: Breast milk is the best food for infants. If breastfeeding is not available or not sufficient, an infant formula may be used according to Health professionals' guidance.